Technicoll 9461 Epoxyglue is the ideal glue for binding metals, rubber, phenols, thermoplastics, wood, hard foams, ceramics, stone and concrete. It has a thick and liquid consistency and has a relatively long processing time. Due to this long processing time, it is ideal to glue big surfaces. Examples of use are the repairs of skis and glasses frame. This Epoxyglue is also resistant to sudden load on the glued materials, as it is to humidity and various chemicals (oils and alkanes). The Technicoll 9461 Epoxyglue also operates as a good electric isolator. The glue is packed in cartridges which weigh 50 gram per piece.
The surfaces that are going to be glued, have to be dry and clean, especially from oils, fat and release agents. Most of the time, sanding the surface before glueing, will better the strength of the glued connection. Sanding the surface is mostly recommended with rubber or metals. To begin, place the patterns in a spray gun holder, suited for the patterns (like the DuoMix-Bond (dubbelloops)), lock this and remove the cap. Spray a small amount of glue to test if both components can flow freely. Then, place the DuoMix-bond Mixertips and lock it. Next, apply the Epoxyglue in a thin line, drop or film on the to be glued surfaces. The binding components need to be mounted and clamped withing the processing time. A shear strength of 1 N/mm2 at +25° C will be reached after 7 hours and 50% of the end strength will be reached at +25° C after 16 hours. The curing speed can be sped up by increasing the warmth. The ultimate bond strength will be reached within circa 7 days.